sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2016

Analysis of electronic waste reverse logistics decisions using Strategic Options Development Analysis methodology: A Brazilian case

Acessem o artigo:  Analysis of electronic waste reverse logistics decisions using Strategic Options Development Analysis methodology: A Brazilian case, publicado no Journal of Cleaner Production,  pela pesquisadora do grupo GOMETA, Patricia Guarnieri

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The National Policy of Solid Waste, recently approved in Brazil, establishes the implementation of reverse logistics networks for several residues, such as electronic waste. One of the primary points of the legislation is the principle of ‘shared responsibility’, which establishes that all actors in a supply chain are responsible for the reverse logistics, such as manufacturers, distributors, importers, retailers, the government and the final consumer. This situation characterizes a group decision context and, emphasises the need of aggregate different and often conflicting viewpoints. Thus, this paper proposes the use of a specific Problem Structuring Method, the Strategic Options Development Analysis, which is based on the construction of cognitive mapping techniques, for developing strategic analysis based on the decision-makers' viewpoints. In order to apply the methodology, we conducted online workshops with 8 representatives of the stakeholders involved in this decision context. At the end of the process, four categories of actions to be implemented were found and developed: strategic, environmental, economic and social. These categories are based not only to technically assessment, but also on stakeholder's perspectives. The contribution of this paper is mainly related to the analysis and structuration of the problem of reverse logistics of electronic waste under a problem structuing methodology, which is few explored in the literature. This paper also contributes to researchers estudying reverse logistics of electronic waste, mainly in developing countries.

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